Water Fuel cell by Stanley Meyer
Over the years Electric Vehicle's have been favored to be the greatest achievement mankind have accomplished in terms of reducing Climate Change. In 1975 There was an ultimate solution which is the water fuel cell which was brought by Stanley Meyer. This idea was to make vehicles use water instead of the fuel like diesel, petrol and other types. It is said that his work was not 100% proven to work since any video wasn't recorded when the car was being driven. There were eye witnesses who confirmed that it works.
This is how his idea was laid out. The design was made use of hydrogen and water. The device was said to require less energy to perform electrolysis and it made use of "Brown's gas" (mixture of oxyhydrogen with a ratio of 2:1 which is the same composition as liquid water) which would be mixed with ambient air(nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, radiation, and so on).
The resultant gas was Hydrogen gas which was then burned to generate energy, which reconstituted the water molecules in another unit separate from the unit in which the water has been separated. He suggested that he could combine hydrogen and oxygen atoms back into water molecules which can be used again making it appear as a closed system.
His idea violated the first and second law of thermodynamics and he was regarded as a fraud by expert witnesses. The witnesses were Michael Laughton, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Queen Mary University of London and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He died a mysterious death and his theory is also a mystery if it worked or not.
The patent of Stanley Meyer has expired. So why cant companies such as Tesla, Revian and Lucid fund in such Technology since mining of Lithium can be costly as compared to water? That's a story for another Day.
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